Renee Rilexie
Euphoria is a solo show by Renée Rilexie and she beckons us into her world of synesthesia, to explore her love of the creative interface between sound, colour and patterns.
This show, which features large-scale paintings, Renée has drawn inspiration from music, shamanic drumming and sound frequency, as well as periods of silence and contemplation. She describes the experience as like having a conversation with energy beyond the scope of my being, the transcript of which covers each canvas.
She says "All I need is music or sound, paint and a surface to paint on. I never know what the final piece would look like and I can never duplicate the colours of any of my paintings. They totally reflect the piece of music or sound I'm listening to. It's hard to explain in words the state of my senses when the vibration of sound matches my heartbeat. It's like uncovering a layer of myself to better understand a hidden dialogue and an expansion of something that is harmonious and free."
For this show, she wants to take visitors on a journey to experience their senses, to ignite the fountain of their own creativity.